by | Parenting
I’ve been writing about what worked for us when our kids were babies. This was probably the most fun thing we did: Teach our babies some very basic sign language when they were just a few months old. We don’t actually know sign language, other than the...
by | Faith, Parenting
When I look at my most recent photos of my children, I realize just how obvious it is that they’re not babies any more. And that reminds me of a book I used to read to them called Love You Forever (affiliate link). The recurring phrase in it is,...
by | Faith
How should Christians start their day? While reading this post by Arabah Joy, I realized that I’m not alone in struggling to maintain my relationship with God. She wrote, “The older I get, the more I find that focusing on Christ takes...
by | Family, Parenting
Tim Hawkins is our family’s favorite comedian. We check out his youtube channel regularly and can quote several of his videos. He wrote a song about Chick-Fil-A that we love. And we can all sing “The Wife Song.” But he’s not just a singer,...
by | At Home
For years, I have eaten breakfast while driving to work. I am not a morning person in the least little bit, so sitting around eating breakfast would never be my choice over another 15 minutes of sleep. Ever. After struggling to figure out a quick breakfast I can...
by | At Home
Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission, which comes at no additional cost to you! Cool, huh? Also know that I will not share products unless we have used...
by | Faith, Parenting
Some things in life you never forget. One of those for me was the time when our house was robbed. It’s funny the things that stand out after a traumatic event. If your house has been robbed, maybe you felt it was traumatic, too. You know how you see photos of...
by | At Home
The links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on a link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission, which comes at no additional cost to you! Cool, huh? Also know that I will not share products unless we have used the items...
by | Parenting
You’ve heard of the books…for Dummies….well, this is a couple of notches DOWN from that….I don’t even know what would be in that book. This is the absolute not-a-clue-novice-totally-beginner’s-guide to wrestling. For moms....
by | Faith
Welcome to kennedyfamfive! It goes without saying that I’m not a theologian. I’m just a Jesus follower who wants my prayer life to be life-changing, world changing. That said, today I’m looking at the model of all prayers from the model of all...