Today is Graduate Recognition Sunday at our church.  It’s a really neat tradition that I’m glad our church continues. My sweet Haley is a graduate.

She might be the focus of the day, but rest assured this post is all about me. 😉

This day also means decorated tables filled with photos and memorabilia from the high school and early years.

And Moms are the decorators of said tables….
As I was standing in the fellowship hall (is that still what those are called?) at church this morning, a hot mess trying to be something I’m not, I had to stop and breathe. And ask myself, what is the purpose of this ?

Despite what I was feeling, this day is actually not designed to showcase the fact that I am domestically challenged.

Especially in all things decor-related.

It’s to say congrats to the graduates. To tell them we love them. And to encourage them to follow the path that God has for them.

And so I gave myself “purposed” tunnel vision and didn’t look at all of the other beautifully decorated tables. Ones that really let their child’s personality and accomplishments shine.

Ones that were absolutely Pinterest worthy.

I finished Haley’s table, and I walked out without making comparisons that I knew would reinforce my mom-fail-moment.

As soon as I saw my girl I said, “Just know that my love for you is NOT reflected in how that table looks!” We laughed, acknowledged that this is just not my thing, and moved on.

As old as I am you’d think I would be able to focus on my purpose and not let distractions or insecurities get in my way. But they do.

It took me 5 months but I have found my word for 2017. Purpose.purpose at