Properties of parallelograms are a challenge in themselves. Teaching students how to prove parallelograms using a coordinate plane…that’s a whole ‘nother level!

We teach this concept soon after students learn the properties of parallelograms, including special parallelograms (rectangle, rhombus, and square).

Here are some ideas for you!

Getting Started

We can all benefit from a refresher–even more so if we haven’t taught it in a while. This one is pretty straightforward.

Notes and Practice

Need pre-made notes and practice? Pick out the pages you need, and you’re ready to go!


Fantastic activity to use after instruction and practice!

teaching proving parallelograms
proving special parallelograms customer review


These mini assessments can be used as formative (warm up, ticket out the door, homework, homework check, etc) or combined for a summative quiz.

proving parallelograms customer review

There is one assessment specifically for proving parallelograms.

It includes problems using these concepts:

  • the definition of parallelograms
  • both pairs of opposide sides are congruent
  • diagonals bisect each other

The answers are completely editable; you can even add more answer choices or delete some of mine if you like.

Each question can also be changed from dropdown to multiple choice.

The assessment is already formatted so that students can upload their work. (You can delete that option if you don’t need it by just clicking on the trash can.)

The assessment on proving special parallelograms works in much the same way.

This assessment is specific to

  • rectangles
  • rhombi
  • squares

I hope this post has been helpful to you!

You’ve got this!