You’ve seen it in the standards…now to figure out teaching it!
Teaching the connection between dilation and perimeter and area can be one of the most fun days in your classroom.
And that’s saying something coming from this self-proclaimed really serious teacher!
More than just fun…a day when students have those lightbulb moments! Those are the best!
Discovery Activity
This discovery activity was done on the day after students practiced dilations around the origin and around a fixed point, using the scale factor to find the new coordinates.
In the video, I’ll go through the process with you that I used in my classes.
Here are worksheet handouts I’ve created to use with the activity.
Download your own copy by clicking here. It’s free.😊
Here’s page 1:
Here’s page 2:
Here’s page 3:
Practice and Assessment
We followed up the discovery activity with questions like these to assess how well students could use the concepts.
I created a Google Forms assessment using these problems. It’s quick, just 5 problems, and is self-checking. Click here to see the form.
I hope this activity is useful to you in your classroom!
You’ve got this!