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It goes without saying that I’m not a theologian. I’m just a Jesus follower who wants my prayer life to be life-changing, world changing.
That said, today I’m looking at the model of all prayers from the model of all lives: Jesus.
Sometimes I think I shouldn’t ask for things; instead, I should just ask that God’s will be done in a certain situation. Other times, I don’t think to ask for God’s will to be done… I’m just asking for what I want to happen. Still other times, I don’t want to ask God’s will to be done. If I’m honest, it downright scares me that it might not be His will for something I really, really want to happen, happen. Cray-cray, I know.
Then I remember that Jesus Himself asked for things from His heavenly Father, alongside the “Your will be done” part. So that tells me that I need to do the same.
If I only talked to my husband or children as often as I talk to God, I’m not sure I’d have much of a marriage, and my kids would probably be in foster care. That’s a scary thought. Shouldn’t the God of the Universe, who made EVERYTHING, get my first thoughts in the morning, my last at night, and many, many more in between?!
He is such a gentleman that I take Him for granted sometimes. A lot. Too much. For that, I am sorry.
And for the past few weeks, the Lord’s prayer has been coming to mind as I ponder my pitiful excuse for a “prayer life” (don’t you just love our Christian-speak?). Prayer life is just a phrase for your relationship with God. After all, isn’t that our primary communication to Him?
The Lord speaks to us in many ways: through His word, of course, and in other, more or less subtle ways.
This is how I memorized it as a good, Southern Baptist when I was growing up (and I can still hear it being sung while I say it):
Our Father Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory.
To read the New Living Translation, check out Bible Gateway.
Here’s my paraphrase….
Dear God, all Honor goes to You for who You are. Your name is precious. Your kingdom coming to earth will ultimately and finally solve all of our problems! Above any wishes I have, may Your will be done. Your will is being carried out already in Heaven. Let it be so, here, as well. Please ____________________. You bless me daily in ways I don’t even realize. All of the blessings in my life come from You, Lord. Please forgive me for ____________________ and help me to forgive others and give grace to others because of the overflow of grace You have poured out on me. Help me with ____________________. Because You are God. And You are Good. And Holy. Always.
I try not to write with caveats, apologies, rationalizations, etc. But I am breaking that rule here: Let me just say I am not trying to re-write the Bible. I am not saying that Jesus’s words are not adequate, and I have to somehow fix them in order to make them “relevant.” What I am doing is sharing and trying to understand and follow what the God of all creation is setting up for us as a shining example. (And isn’t that amazing that He cares so much about us and understands that we need His guidance?)
I’m sharing this post on WFMW and Grace and Truth.